
Race Results is meant to be an unofficial way for users to be able to review session data after a session has been completed. It is not currently meant to be an official place to view results. The data may be rough, but it should be pretty much the same as what was displayed in the app when the race was live.

Unofficial Race Results Administration

Since these results are not meant to be official, we will only be providing some basic administration tools for common issues that arise. If you would like assistance with an issue, please contact us for support

Automatic session detection:
The results generation does it's best to detect and exclude invalid sessions, based on a number of heuristics. The primary reasons that a session may be automatically excluded are that there was no Green/Yellow/Red shown, no laps were detected, or multiple session names were detected.

These automatically excluded sessions are displayed with a yellow background on your results administration page.

Including/Excluding a session
If a session was automatically included/excluded, you can manually change that by simply clicking on the button labeled "Display in App" / "Remove From App"

Results Sort Mode
The results generation does it's best to detect the sort mode that the relay was in during the session. If for some reason the sort mode is incorrect, you can toggle it by clicking on the button labeled "Change Sort to Position" or "Change Sort to Best Time"

Merging/Splitting Sessions
Due to the nature of the RMonitor protocol, and isses that might arise from connectivity, there is a good possibility that sometimes the results generation will have incomplete data to work with. In some cases, a session might get grouped with another session (e.g., internet connection dropped and our servers didn't receive the reset command), or a session may get split apart (e.g., timing system issues occurred and the run group had to be reloaded).

We are working on Merge and Split functionality so that you manually correct for large issues.

What about editing/deleting racers?

We don't currently have any plans to allow for fine grained control of the results. It doesn't mean we won't add the functionality later, but these generated results are meant to be unofficial and as automated as possible for your sake... you have enough to do already.

How quickly do results become available in the app?

Whenever a reset is sent (manually or when a new run group is loaded), or after a period of inactivity (no data received by the relay for >5 minutes), a results generation task for the race is added to the queue to be processed.

The time to process your results will depend on how many other sets are in the queue for processing, but you can typically expect results to become available 5-15 seconds after it's been added to the queue.

What about official results?

We're looking into the possibility of adding support for official results in the future. MyLaps already offers that type of functionality so we encourage you to use their system for the time being.

Please contact us if you have issues and we'll be happy to try and help.

- MyLaps is a registered trademark of MyLaps Sports Timing